Publication type: Journal Paper

This article examines commercialization process of a high technology, which is characterized by a high level of research and development activities, resources-intensive and added values. The article employed a case study approach, by observing a Finnish University Spin-off between 2013 and 2016 and making use of documentary method. In contrary to many previous studies, the […]

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Publication type: Journal Paper

Presently, there is a need for development of new companies and growth of existing enterprises. Likewise, there is an academic interest in Lean start-up concept. Hence, this paper investigates how potential entrepreneurs, small business owners and innovators can test and commercialise their business ideas by applying the Lean start-up technique. The main goals of this […]

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Publication type: Journal Paper

It is widely known that entrepreneurship plays a crucial role within the economy. As the African economy needs rapid development and growth, this paper investigates the present attitude of African youth towards new business creation and entrepreneurship. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were used, and 204 people participated in the study. The participants were […]

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Publication type: Journal Paper

This article examines the challenges in commercializing high technologies successfully and sustainably using quantum key distribution (QKD) technology as a case study. Quantum communication is increasingly relevant to cybersecurity and nanotechnology, which will replace current technologies and change the way we live. To understand how such high technology could be successfully commercialized, we interviewed individuals […]

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